Lanergy supplies reliable, high-performance solar modules to 20 countries and regions in Europe to power the world toward a low carbon future.
LANERGY's PV Modules
  • Q What happens to spent solar modules?

    A Photovoltaic modules contain a large amount of recyclable materials such as aluminium and glass. If properly disposed of, a large proportion can be recycled to produce new solar modules. At Energy3000 solar, this is ensured by membership of the leading service provider UFH.
  • Q How much CO2 can a PV system save?

    A The CO2 savings of photovoltaic systems can be calculated based on a comparison with electricity generation from fossil energy sources. Accordingly, each kWp output of a PV system prevents the emission of around 500 kg CO2 per year.
  • Q Does the PV system really protect the environment?

    A In contrast to oil and gas, solar energy is available in unlimited quantities and can be produced on site and without emissions. Of course, manufacturing the components of a PV system requires the use of materials and energy, but this is amortized after around two years - from then on, the system is pure profit.
  • Q In view of low remuneration prices, does photovoltaics still pay off at all?

    A Clearly yes! Because the costs for the electricity that you produce with your PV system are lower than the electricity prices of the energy suppliers (see Grid Parity). Although the remuneration rates for green electricity have been reduced, the purchase of PV systems has also become cheaper. And if electricity prices rise, the feed-in tariffs for PV electricity will also rise. In addition, the independence from the electricity market and a yield of around 10% over the lifetime are good arguments in favour of photovoltaics.
  • Q What do "grid parity" and "merit order effect" mean?

    A "Grid parity" translates into grid equivalence and is given when the electricity from the photovoltaic system can be generated at the same costs as the purchase from a conventional electricity supplier. This threshold has long since been undercut, so that owners of PV systems have been driving ever cheaper for years. The "merit order effect" aims to ensure that expensive and polluting power plants are taken off the grid first if they are adequately covered.
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Whatsapp: +49 (0) 174 4866 782
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